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About Us

Castle Donington’s Community First Responder scheme was launched in 2008 with the support of the Castle Donington Rotary Club and the East Midlands Ambulance Service (EMAS).
Our group is made up of volunteers who give up their spare time to attend emergency 999 calls within Castle Donington, Melbourne and surrounding villages. Our Responders come from a variety of backgrounds and careers, however we share the same goals – helping people in need and being able to give something back to our local community.
Community First Responders are volunteers that receive no payment for their time to attend medical emergencies. Our training is funded by the East Midlands Ambulance Service whilst our equipment and six Community Public Access Defibrillators have been purchased through fundraising activities and generous donations from local organisations.
Since 2008 we have attended over 4000 emergency calls providing immediate life support to members of our local community.

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